Monday, October 19, 2015

What's Up Dog?

What happened with the Millennial generation? The generation I was born into does not always welcome me into its loving arms. I'm not outcasted because I don't do what everyone else is doing. I'm outcasted because of the way I look at things.
Why is it that my generation has a hard time with everything? We all grew up in a time where technology was thriving yet we still had some of the same experience as those from the "good 'ol days." Yet I sit here and am told I'm too much of a traditionalist. I like to think I'm not the one who is out of the ordinary. Since when is it socially acceptable to act and treat people the way Millennials do? To answer this is; since social media.
Social media has made our generation more liberal in the way we present our selves. It has made our generation more disrespectful, to not only those older than us, but to each other. Having the technologies we do has made our generation not appreciate the little things in life, like taking a Sunday's drive to enjoy the countryside. Social media has allowed us to become less personal. We don't care for each other like we should. We don't communicate in an interpersonal manner. I'm not saying social media has ruined humanity. By all means am I above any of this, I too am a victim of the Millennial generation. I want to try to bring back some of the humanity lost. I hope that we can stop acting like ostriches and pick our heads up.

Our generation was not brought up like generations before or after us. We do not seem to collectively have it together like previous generations do. The Millennial generation is not a lost cause. We are well on our way to achieve great things. Finding the path to get there however is a tricky task for the majority of us. My wish is that within the next few years the we can collectively come together and form a better society.


  1. Bri -

    I completely agree with you that the millennial generation has lost the ability to communicate in an interpersonal manner. Instead of calling each other, everything is done via texting, and I am guilty of this myself. I do agree that social media may have played a small part in this as we are all so addicted to our phones. As millennials we had a different childhood than kids do now. We never had cell phones at young ages. I remember getting an iPod was a big deal. I think it will be interesting to see if our generation begins to make changes over the next fews years. It will also be interesting to see how involved kids are in their technology when they are our age.

  2. Bri,
    I found this blog on millennials humorous and inspiring. I too for the longest time experienced so much frustration with todays millennials, more specifically with Generation Z. I would argue they are on their phones too much and that they are rotting their brain. I think after truly looking at it and talking with older generations who look at the situation as a whole we can't blame them; when they (referring to millennials) grew up looking at us on our phones 24/7 just at an older age than them because we are witnessing this technology and its pros for the first time as well, just at a later stage in life. Every generation has gone through this in one way or another. At one point in time something else was the phenomena of a generation. For us and the Z's and probably the next many to come social media is the craze. The Internet is the most technologically advanced thing we have in todays society, at one point in time it was the wheel, then we found fossil fuels and stuck four wheels together and had cars etc. My point is sometimes we have to look at the big picture and see the potential good from this. Being open-minded is key to understanding any situation. Great article, thank you for sharing. You have inspired me to approach this topic in my next blog!
