My Thanksgiving break was spent working, sleeping, and eating. Normally my breaks are filled with my Dad's crazy family and running around to 5 different family events. This break however I took on Target.
I choose to work this break because I've realized being an adult is hard. I have bills to pay and not a lot of extra money to spend on fun. I drove 8 hours from Ada, OH to Harrisburg, PA to make some money. I started working at Target this past summer while maintaining a full-time job in an attempt to survive adulthood. Luckily Target is cooperative with college students coming and going going on breaks.
This break was not only boring, but it was exhausting. After driving all day Saturday, I watched some Netflix and went to sleep. Sunday I worked 8 hours at Target. Monday I accidentally slept all day until I had to work. Tuesday I had off and binge watched Netflix. Wednesday I neglected homework and worked later in the evening. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I had off and my Mom and I had a nice mini-dinner of turkey, stuffed squash, mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course pumpkin pie. Black Friday was a poopy day. I'm not a morning person and Target had me come in at 4:00AM... and work electronics. It sounds easy, until someone ask you a tech-savvy question and you have no idea. For nine hours I sold iPad's, told people we were all out of items, and saw no fights. Then proceeded to go shopping for 2 hours. Today I drove 8 hours back to Bettsville, OH to see family before heading back to ONU tomorrow.
Overall you can say my break was good. I spent way too much money and neglected college more than I should have. Tomorrow starts college life again, and I'm not ready. Adult-ing in college is rough. Breaks are not breaks because its all work all the time.
Here's to adulthood.